
Welcome to our psychotherapy practice!

We all offer Psychotherapy in english and are happy to welcome you in our practices. We are located in Steglitz/Schöneberg (Mirja Petri-Kelvasa), Alt-Treptow (Philipp Reckling) as well as in Friedrichshain/Lichtenberg (Mathias Funke). Please see the Kontakt site for more details on how to get in touch. 

Our client-centered approaches include methods from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Schematherapy, DBT and Mindfulness based approaches 

We will work with most state health insurances via the cost reimbursement scheme, private insurances and some international and U.S. health insurances.  If you have state health insurance like the TK, please be aware, that the application process can take a while.